Robyn and Joel's Blog: Chronicling our Copenhagen Adventures

Yes, we're that interesting.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

This is a test...

This posting is really just a test so I can learn how to post pictures... but this is me and Joel while we watched the Texas A&M band march to the capitol for the big football game last Thanksgiving. We won't discuss who actually won the game... but it was great fun to be there!


Rochelle said...

Well, I'm just posting per Robyn's request to test out comments... Let's see if I can test my html skilz:


p.s. I took that pic -- pretty good, huh?! =)

Robyn said...

Yea! It worked! thanks!

Scarlett said...

1) Rochelle has skilz with both html and taking pictures. Not many of her pictures are bad.
2) I love the hat.
