Robyn and Joel's Blog: Chronicling our Copenhagen Adventures

Yes, we're that interesting.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Honeymoon... Homesickness...Home.

Today marks one year in Copenhagen… a whole year! We can hardly believe it. We’ve survived all the stages of culture shock… honeymoon, homesickness, and now we feel at home. Many thanks to all of you who helped us move, settle-in, and flourish here in Copenhagen. While there are still struggles living in a country whose language continues to be a mystery to us, we are home. It is good to be home. Here’s to one year… and many more.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

BBQ American Style!

I always find it interesting to discover what Danes think of American culture. They are inundated with American media, but not much of our food. Of course, you could argue that much of our food is actually stolen from other cultures.

So, what is American food? Well, according to a gourmet food shop in the basement of Magasin Dept. Store, American food includes Orville Redenbacher’s popcorn, marshmallows, Budweiser beer, Bac’n Pieces, and smoked almonds.

Of course Americans are famous for our BBQs. And, all good BBQs require French’s mustard, Heinz Ketchup, hotdogs and ribs.

Best of all, Americans are famous for the cream of mushroom soup. Yep, I bought two cans.

How else do you cook casseroles? Bon appetite … or as we say in the States… dig in!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

Godspeed and Farewell

One of the hardest parts of being an expat family is saying good-bye to other expat families when they move on to other locations.

Monday we said "see you later" (I hate good-byes... ) to our good friends, the Tilley Family, Rebekah, Michael, John, and James.

Thank you for your wonderful, blessed friendship. God bless you as you begin your new life in Kentucky. We will miss you!

This picture was taken on the Tilley's last Sunday at our church, ICC. Rebekah is holding baby James and Michael is holding (hiding behind!) big brother John.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Wonderful, Wonderful Copenhagen...

After a long, dark, winter, we experienced the sunniest May on record! Yep, it's official. This was the sunniest May since they began keeping records in 1920. And, June has been perfect so far!
I wish I could describe how beautiful Copenhagen is when the sun is shinning. The sky is a color of blue that seems impossible to be real. The green of the trees makes the most beautiful contrast against the nearly cloudless, blue sky. The sun is so strong you can actually feel it on your skin... like a warm bath. And, in fact, you have to be careful or you will get a sunburn just walking around town!
Copenhagen is full of flowers -- everywhere you turn -- bursting with brilliant color.
And, the best part is that we have over 18 hours of sunlight each day. It is 23:27 and the sky is a deep, dark blue, and the sunset is still clearly visible.
Copenhageners make the most of every minute of sunlight. Cafes put tables out on the sidewalk, parks and gardens are filled with sunbathers (in all kind of attire!), and everyone is out enjoying the city. And, people are even smiling at each other! Shocking!
May is clearly our reward for surviving the dark winter -- and a glorious reward it is! Enjoy a few pics from around town!
To the left is a picture of sunset off our balcony. The picture below is from the cemetery where Kierkegaard is buried.

This tulip is in Charlottenlund Have. The Oresund Sound is at the end of the grass... look deep into the picture!

From Frederiksberg Have.

Another view from Frederiksberg Have.

The beach at Oresund Sound.

Another view of Kierkegaard Assistens.

Frederiksberg Have.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Happy birthday, Dad!
As I write this post, my father is still winging his way back to California (he ought to be in Washington Dulles International Airport by now, waiting for his flight home to San Diego).

Last weekend, I took the beautiful train ride up to visit him in Ljungby, Sweden, where he was teaching. I was able to visit the seminary where he shapes the pliable young minds of starry-eyed preachers-in-training, meet a few of these starry-eyed lads, and tour the surrounding town. Here are some pictures from my visit:

Dad returned to Copenhagen on Friday, enabling us to spend a few extra days with him before his departure this morning. We had a great time. The weather was perfect, truly as good as it gets in Copenhagen. On Sunday after church, we enjoyed a celebratory birthday brunch down near the walking street of Strøget, the longest pedestrian street in the world. After a lengthy, leisurely stroll in the sunshine back to our flat--and a well-earned nap--we then made our way to Frederiksberg Have, one of the largest and loveliest parks in Copenhagen.

Here are some more pictures from my father's visit:

Have a great birthday, Dad!
