Robyn and Joel's Blog: Chronicling our Copenhagen Adventures

Yes, we're that interesting.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Getting ready for Christmas

I my last post I mentioned that we had been busy in the past few weeks... so I thought I would briefly share with you a pictures of what we've been up to:

These are a few pictures of us preparing for our first dinner party. We had two couples from church over for dinner. Nothing fancy, but it was very nice to just relax and chat. And, I was pleased that we all fit in our flat -- and quite comfortably!

Here are a few pictures of our friend Rebekah and her son John. They came to our house to make Christmas cookies. John really liked our computer and decided to help Joel with a his work!


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, John like to help his daddy on the computer a lot.


Scarlett said...

What did you fix for the dinner party? Just curious =)

Robyn said...

We had pork loin, brussel sprouts, and roasted veggies. It was actually pretty good, if I say so myself. The best part was dessert... I finally found some cranberries and made my favorite pie: Cranberry Pie!

Scarlett said...

That does sound good!!
And I'm glad you finally got to make your favorite pie. =)
